Wednesday 28 July 2021

The Best Treatments for Acne in Hyderabad

Acne is a common skin condition (especially in teenagers and adults) wherein the skin is repeatedly affected because of plugging of its pores (i.e. opening of hair follicles underneath the skin) by the excess oil, dead skin cells, dirt, and bacteria build-up. Untreated acne can lead to emotional distress and affect self-esteem as it can leave behind permanent scars on the skin. Taking the help of a skin doctor can help to manage both acne and scar problem. 

Get a remarkable reduction in acne breakouts with the best acne treatment in Hyderabad by dermatologist Dr. Keerthana Kalva at Inform Clinics.

What are the Symptoms of acne?

Acne can be observed on any body part but mostly it is seen on the face, chest, back, neck, and shoulders. Some of them are inflammatory and may result in scarring while others do not cause inflammation.

What are the different types of acne?

Following are the different types of acne: 

1. Blackheads (open comedones) 

These are found open on the skin surface and are black colored due to the presence of oxygen in the air. Instead of trying to get rid of these by using home remedies one should rather get blackheads treatment in Hyderabad by a qualified dermatologist. 

2. Whiteheads (closed comedones)- These remain under the skin surface and are seen as white bumps. Again, one should seek whiteheads removal treatment in Hyderabad by a dermatologist instead of trying to prick the skin or other home remedies. The procedure of extracting blackheads and whiteheads is known as comedones removal treatment which is provided by Dr. Keerthana Kalva, the best dermatologist in Hyderabad

3. Papules- These appear due to infected or inflamed hair follicles, thereby resulting in small, red, raised bumps that can be tender to touch. 

4. Pustules- These are small pimples that have a red base and pus-filled lesions (white-colored) at their tips. 

5. Nodules- These are painful, large, solid lumps on the skin that arise from deep within the skin. 

6. Cysts- These are pus-filled, painful, large lumps found beneath the skin. 

The last 4 types can be very painful and stubborn to get rid of without seeking proper medical treatment. Dr. Keerthana Kalva is one of the best acne specialist doctors in Hyderabad who follows a holistic treatment approach to provide long-lasting results to her patients. 

What are the factors that can increase the likelihood of acne development?

Being the best acne specialist doctor in Hyderabad, Dr. Keerthana Kalva says that certain factors can increase the likelihood of acne development, such as:

  • Hormonal changes during adolescence and pregnancy.
  • Medications like corticosteroids and birth control pills.
  • A carbohydrate or sugar-rich diet.
  • Family history.
  • Poor skincare.

Can stress worsen the acne breakouts?

As per Dr. Keerthana Kalva, one of the best dermatologists in Hyderabad, the answer is YES!

Several research studies prove the fact that stress can worsen acne breakouts. 

Besides this, the following factors can also aggravate acne breakouts: 

  • High humid weather and pollution.
  • Picking or squeezing of pimples.
  • Use of hard scrubbers over skin lesions.
  • Wearing sports helmets, tight-fitted clothes, and backpacks that lead to pressure and sweating.

What are the best acne treatments in Hyderabad?

Some of the best acne treatments in Hyderabad are available at Inform Clinics. These treatments help one to get clear skin and reduce the chances of physical scarring. The most popular acne treatments in Hyderabad include:

  • In the first step of treatment, topical creams and face washes are recommended that contain alpha hydroxyl acids, topical antibiotics, and topical benzoyl peroxide, to treat all grades of acne. These products help to regulate the excess sebum production and help remove blackheads and all grades of acne, says Dr. Keerthana Kalva, the best skin doctor in Hyderabad. 

  • Oral antibiotics are prescribed in a case when one has red and inflamed lesions. Hormonal evaluation is also done to check for hormonal problems and pills are recommended to treat the concern.

What are the advanced treatments for acne in Hyderabad? 

The advanced treatments for acne in Hyderabad include:

1. Light therapy

Laser light includes ablative, non-ablative, or fractionated laser technology that is focused on the top skin surface that causes thermal damage to the scar tissues, thereby resulting in skin peel-off. Lasers also kill the acne-causing bacteria and shrink the open pores and support to manage acne skin problems. Laser heat encourages a natural healing process wherein there is a growth of new healthy skin cells and a boost in collagen production. Photofacial treatment is also provided for managing this procedure to reduce the redness of scars and acne and this treatment gives almost instant results. For the best laser acne treatment in Hyderabad, please feel free to visit Inform Clinics. 

2. Carbon Laser Peel in Hyderabad 

The Carbon Laser Peel in Hyderabad performed at Inform Clinics is very popular. In this skin exfoliating treatment, liquid carbon is first applied onto the affected skin and left to dry. Next, the laser is used to attract and destroy the carbon particles and results in the removal of contaminants, dead skin cells, and oil that are absorbed by the carbon from the clogged pores. The treatment helps reduce sebum production, large pores and helps to manage acne and acne scar problems.

3. Chemical Peel treatment in Hyderabad

Depending upon the acne type (mild to severe cases), different chemicals of varied strength (deep, medium, and superficial) can be applied onto the skin to remove the outermost skin layers and make the skin smooth and fresh-looking. The chemical solutions used include alpha (such as glycolic and lactic acid) or beta hydroxy acids (such as salicylic acid), trichloroacetic acid, and phenol that cause blister formation on the skin and eventually it peel-off, and helps remove excess oil, remove debris and works best to treat acne and acne scarring.

As the best dermatologists in Hyderabad say - Acne is a condition that takes time to resolve, however, it can affect the confidence of the affected person. So, taking dermatological treatments as early as possible is very important. 

Get the best acne and scar treatment in Hyderabad, by Dr. Keerthana Kalva at Inform Clinics.

Friday 11 June 2021

Acne Scar Treatment

Want to get rid of acne scars permanently?

Many teenagers and adults suffer from acne (whiteheads, pimples, and blackheads) on their facial skin. Acne is a skin condition caused when the hair follicles are clogged with natural oils released by the skin or sebum, along with dead skin cells and other external impurities. In severe cases, the bacterial infection can result in cystic acne, wherein inflammation and pus are observed in the deeper skin strata.

What are acne scars, and what causes them?

Acne results in the swelling of the skin pores that can affect the deeper skin and the surrounding tissues. Hence, the time taken to heal the skin is lengthened. The body responds to a clogged pore and acne using a defense mechanism and makes a new type of skin fiber called collagen to clear up the inflammation caused by the acne or pimple. The persistent inflammation and infection lead to acne scarring (permanent indentations or change in skin texture). More production of collagen fibers repairs infected skin. If the skin is deeply infected, healing may not result in smooth skin as before (due to more or less collagen production). 

Depending upon the amount of collagen produced, the acne scars can be of the following types-

• Little collagen- Atrophic (depressed) scarring wherein the scars appear as pits or are depressed.

• Too much collagen- Hypertrophic (keloid) scarring that looks like a raised portion of the skin 

Dealing with acne or acne scars can make one feel depressed and isolated. While it is a common condition, acne can result in forming long-lasting scars that can cause a profound effect on one’s self-esteem and appearance.

Acne scars are treatable if provided with proper treatment along with the right diagnosis. Inform Clinics provide their patient with holistic, non-invasive treatment for all their skin concerns. 

Treatment for acne scars:

Dermatologist Dr. Keerthana Kalva the best skin doctor in Hyderabad provides a variety of treatments as per the patient’s skin condition to enhance the appearance of the skin having acne scars. Some of them are described below:

  • Glycolic acid peels- These chemical (alpha-hydroxy) peels have proven to be safe and effective for all skin types. It is advised that dark-skinned people use mild-moderate strength peels and the sensitive-skinned person be cautious while using them. Glycolic acid has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. It helps to remove the dead skin cells, pigmentation, scars, and debris from the top and the middle skin layers and also minimizes the skin pore size. The clogged oils or lipids are easily extracted from hair follicle roots. Whiteheads, blackheads, and pimples are no longer seen after a few weeks of this treatment and make the skin free from inflammation, scars, and blemishes.

  • Dermal fillers - This treatment uses hyaluronic acid or calcium hydroxylapatite. Once the solution is injected into the skin affected area, it improves the appearance of scars and provides smooth skin by filling the deep acne scar area.

  • Phenol peels- In this treatment, phenols are used to exfoliate the deeper skin layers. The phenol chemical solution is applied to the skin and observed for the changes. Initially, the skin frosts, but after results are achieved, the solution is neutralized and completely removed from the skin. The ideal candidate is a light skin-tone person and not a dark-skinned individual. The treatment removes deep pigmentation, promotes the growth of new skin cells, and makes the skin look glowing and smoother.

  • Microdermabrasion- A delivery device with a vacuum or a diamond-tip wand is used to blow fine crystals into the skin. The vacuum helps to remove all impurities or debris from the skin. Pitted or depressed scars that appear only on the skin surface can be corrected by this treatment as this treatment boosts collagen production and regenerates the growth of new skin cells.

  • Microneedling- This treatment uses a derma roller device that contains tiny needles rolled over the skin surface. This device causes controlled injury that stimulates the healing process and collagen formation that helps to fill the scars and offers a smoother skin tone.

For the treatment of acne scar consulting a doctor is a must. The skin doctor provides treatment after analyzing the skin. To know more about acne scar treatment in Hyderabad, meet Dr. Keerthana Kalva at inform Clinics.

Related Article : Non-Surgical Cosmetic Treatments

Friday 19 March 2021

Cooltech Technology the Best Body Contouring Treatment

Cooltech technology is one of the best non-surgical full body contouring treatments that effectively removes exercise and diet-resistant fat bulges. This technology has provided an effective way to reduce fat from areas like the stomach, neck, thighs, back, buttocks, etc. In this method, a vacuum freezing method for whole-body adipolysis (convert fat into free acid) is used. This technique aims at removing excess fat as it treats localized fat in different parts of the body. The major advantage of this treatment is that it is designed to treat the fat of multiple areas of the body through a controlled cooling system. Cooltech has different handpieces to adapt the device to all areas of the body to achieve full body contouring.

The best team of doctors performs CoolTech treatment for body contouring in Hyderabad at Inform Clinics. This is a safe and effective procedure that involves no cuts or no scars and is the best non-invasive alternative to surgical liposuction. The cooling of fat cells with this procedure causes controlled death of excess fat cells. The body’s metabolic process gradually eliminates the treated fat cells from the target body area..This is a safe and effective procedure. The cold does not damage other cells in the way it damages fat cells and there is no damage to the skin or underlying tissues.

Non-surgical liposuction with non-surgical Cooltech benefits:

  • Cooltech hand pieces are designed to target specific areas.

  • A safe, effective non-surgical procedure that provides a high patient satisfaction rate.

  • It helps individuals in achieving uniform results with full-body transformation.

  • Provides visible and impressive results.

Ideal candidates for body reshaping with non-surgical Cooltech:

  • Individuals looking for an effective solution to remove fat bulges visible on the side and front of the abdominal area.

  • Individuals who desire to get rid of stubborn fat which is resistant to exercise and diet.

  • Individuals who want to remove fat from the upper arms, inner thighs, and love handles.

  • Individuals who want to eliminate fat post-pregnancy.

Cooltech non-surgical body contouring procedure is a safe technique as the target area can be carefully monitored. This technology breaks the fat tissue and causes a localized inflammation in the treated area. The excess content is naturally flushed out of the body, and one can observe a gradual reduction in the thickness of the fat layer. This method uses cryolipolysis to remove fat cells from stubborn areas in a controlled manner. The best thing about this treatment is that optimum results are visible after 5-8 weeks of treatment. About 2-5 sessions are required to achieve a well-contoured body profile. These sessions are performed at an interval of about 10-12 weeks.

In this procedure, the target area is marked out manually. The machine also uses a strong vacuum that helps to stop the blood flow and pull away heat from the blood. The cool plate is then placed on the target area that will feel a pulling effect and a pinching sensation. Further, the lipids present in the adipocytes are crystallized, and they interact with the cell membrane. The temperature inside the applicator is lowered and reaches a minimum of -3 to -8 degree centigrade. This slowly freezes the fat cells. As temperature decreases, the skin becomes numb, and the patient experiences no pinching sensation. The whole procedure takes about 40 to 80 minutes, depending upon the target area. On the first day of treatment, adipocytes appear normal, and after that, a light inflammation can be seen. The macrophages digest the adipocytes or cell content released by them.

The best affordable body shaping treatment cost in Hyderabad is available at Inform Clinics and helps an individual to attain the desired body shape and a well-contoured body profile.

Visit today at Inform Clinics and get treatment from body contouring treatment doctors and the best dermatologist in Hyderabad.
